The Black Box
Wizardry Gallery

Welcome to The Black Box Wizardry Gallery. Here you can download picture from The Return of Werdna, as well as other images related to the Wizardry universe. Just click on the icons below to download a larger version of the picture. As I come across other interesting Wizardry downloads, I will add them to this gallery.

If you would like to make a contribution to the The Black Wizardry Gallery, let me know at I am especially interested in any fan art or fan fiction. And you would be duly noted for your contribution.


Images from Wizardry IV: The Return of Werdna

Werdna from the manual
(scanned by Snafaru)

Softalk All-Star Banner
(made by Sdiabm)

The Softalk All-Stars Less One


Hawkwind in combat

Werdna awakens

The Wandering Oracle of Mron

Werdna takes a trip to Hades


Images from the Wizardry series

Famous Wizardry dragon logo
(scanned by Snafaru)

Title screen from Wizardry 5 PC

Title screen from Wizardry 5 SNES

The Dark Savant (from Wizardry 8)

Vi Domina (from Wizardry 7)