P A T C H E S   &   U T I L I T I E S

Wizardry 8

Samurai Jack for Wizardry 8

Some Wizardry 8 Editors and Viewers.
(Not Cosmic Forge)


Last patch released by Sirtech.


Combat Speed Enhancers

Greatly reduces the time it takes for monsters to move from one position to another while engaged thus greatly reducing the lenght of battles.


Transparent Compasses

Makes the compasses at the bottom of the screen transparent thus giving a much better view of the world in front of you.


To play without the need to have the game DVD disk in the DVD drive.


A No-CD patch to play without the need to have the game DVD disk in the DVD drive. Includes all the fixes below.

    1.26 Bugfixes
  • Fixed roll over of stat figures if they are buffed over 128 points.

    1.2.5 Bug Fixes
  • Fixed disappearance of character portraits in portrait editing/selection screen after intense work with them.
  • Fixed incorrect colour of "Alchemist created..." messages during rest.
  • Fixed crash if the game is started with NPC-RFS.
  • Fixed rotation of the female dracon portrait.

    1.2.5 GUI Fix
  • Small char portraits in the inventory screen face the same direction they do on the main screen.

    1.2.5 Gameplay Fix
  • Max resistances upped to 200.

    1.2.5 Miscellaneous Fix
  • Removed the ad screen on game exit.


Another version of the Wiz8-v126-eng No-CD patch to play without the need to have the game DVD disk in the DVD drive.

NOTE: The ad screen on game exit has been reinstated in this version, modders can create their own falcon.sti to place their stuff on the exit screen. (Thanks to townltu for the download and info).


Another version of the Wiz8-v126-eng No-CD patch to play without the need to have the game DVD disk in the DVD drive.

NOTE: This version is adapted to work specifically with Qusari's Wizardry 8 Reforged mod. (Thanks to townltu for the info).


Low Frame Rate FIx

This fix corrects low frame rate issues in Wizardry 8 when using certain renderers on Windows 8 and later.

Wizardry 7

Wiz #7 keyboard shortcuts

Wizadry 7 ( MS-DOS Version )
To play using keyboard shortcuts.
(Adobe .PDF document)

Wiz #7 Patch

Wizadry 7 ( MS-DOS Version )

Wiz #7 Pentium Patch

Wizadry 7 ( MS-DOS Version )
Divide Overflow Flaw/Reboot patch for Pentium processors.

Wiz Gold Install Fix

Wizadry 7 ( MS Windows Version )
Installation Fix.

Wiz Gold 1.1a1 Patch

Wizadry 7 ( MS Windows Version )
Wiz 7 Gold v1.1a1 Patch.
Fixes the 100 in all skills bug, improves combat speed.

Wiz Gold 1.1b Patch

Wizadry 7 ( MS Windows Version )
Wiz 7 Gold v1.1b Patch.
Fixes timing problems during battles and general gameplay .

Wizardry 6

Wiz #6 Root Patch Root patch.

Wiz #6 Divide Overflow Patch Divide overflow patch.

Wiz #6 Spell Bug Patch * New *

Spell Bug Patch:

Patch to fix the spell bug that causes monsters to resist the 7th level “attack all” spells.

Wiz #6 Carrying Capacity Patch * New *

Carrying Capacity Bug Patch:

In Wizardry VI, your character's carrying capacity is based off of their strength and vitality. However, due to a bug, the Wizardry VI game calculates a character's carrying capacity at the start of the game, but never updates it as their strength and/or vitality increases.